Monday 24 February 2014

Is Anthony Fantano #problematic?

The Makin' Magic band is back together again with ZMoney, JNeal & Brickfare reuniting over a beat which sounds like it was made on a Bontempi keyboard by Anthony Fantano's "comedy" Mexican roommate Cal Chuchusta. Best ZMoney hook since Regular or wot?

"Cops do the cuffin' and the chasin'
Don't wantcha information
Tryna hold a conversation
Iondodat! IONDODAT! Iondodat!
Why dey do dat?"

ZMoney, JNeal & Brickfare - IONDODAT
(The internet; 2014)

Dunno about you guys and gals, but here at The Martorialist we're definitely catchin' a strong whiff of Jim Davidson's controversial black character Chalky meets Phil Collins in Genesis' much-reviled Illegal Alien video from Fantano's Cal Chuchesta persona.


Queezy said...


2SHIN said...

fantano looks like he might secretly be kinda built under there. son might be more lad than plaid.

don't immortal technique out here urself marty.

Anonymous alias of someone important said...

He's trying to spin Cal Chuchesta out into a tv career

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Good lord. R.I.P/LOL America.

Lil' Tuushie, Fantano is definitely diesel as fuck. He's Chuck Zito disguised as Dozer.

Anonymous alias of someone important said...

This is even worse. Interviewing Naughty By Nature

RMH said...

Fantano is the worst.

Rooster Fights said...

I'm slightly fascinated by The Internet's Busiest Music Nerd.