What the fuck is goin on in this god damn world
What are you bitch : a boy or a girl?
I can't tell cause your shit on the sides is gone
You remind me of that monkey lookin bitch Grace Jones
Fucked up is how you look to Willie D
I just gotta have a bitch that has more hair than me
Some try to cover up by weavin it through
You ain't foolin nobody
We know your bald headed too
Lesser blogs look to Nicky Clarke or Adee from The Salon for analysis on KanYe dating a bald bitch but here at The Martorialist we're handing over to the ever-reliable Willie D for his take on 'Yeezy tappin' the follicle-less femme Amber Rose :
On the subject of bald-headed-hoes, would it be bad karma to say that Jade is now eerily reminiscent of The Hood from Thunderbirds?
Jade=Presenter of the crystal maze/Ross Kemp/A shuttlecock.
.....or one of rachel steven's brothers
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