Wednesday 5 August 2015

Yo, this letter on my Oakland A's hat, ain't for Athletic - it stands for A-Wax

Similarly, the P tattoo on A-Wax's throat is not a tribute to his hometown of Pittsburg, but a statement of intent in just how Persistent and Petty he can be when reigniting his long-standing beef with Husalah. This motherfucker is only printing up t-shirts featuring the paperwork which allegedly proves Husalah snitched on A-Wax's friends from Pittsburg to get a shorter prison sentence:


rym snitch said...

too bad he will never be half the rapper Hus was

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Nah, they're both great. Thug Deluxe and Huslin' Since The '80s are two of my favorite albums from the past decade or so.

d said...

It rly is amazing how often he brings it up on the internet. A-Wax is up there w Kato Kaelin in the crimey hall of fame.

I dunno how you can be blackballed out of releasing an album, its either that or hes just lost his joie de vivre cos of A-Wax & sundrys campaign. Cant find it now but Bleu Davinci posted in some thread about this saying he got off when he was a kid cos he was an entertainer lol

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Gotta admire A-Wax's sheer bloody-mindedness for not letting it lie 11 years after he first fired shotz on Sure You Did.

SE said...

Wondering if the paperwork is going to be represented graphically or transcribed with iron-on letters. Could be a very conceptual garment.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

The letters need to be in rhinestones, imo.