Wednesday, 19 March 2025


Supahbadd - I Am
(From I Am single; 2025)

Most effective interpolation of Estelle's American Boy since Max B or wot? I came across this shit in YouTube's recommendations on OnlyHeaven's In Here video a while back, and in a perfect circle of life, OnlyHeaven claimed that Supahbadd was a big influence on her when Johnny The Boxxx interviewed her a week or so later. I've since gone through Supahbadd's back catalogue and come to the conclusion that I Am is the best song she's ever recorded. Bonzer R&Bounce that's as rowdy as it is bawdy. She'll rule your dong with her iron can, Supah Pum-Pum AKA Filthy Triggawoman.

**EDIT** Shout out to the YouTube algorithm for just recommending me I Need A Hot Boy by Tha Hot Girls. Nice to see BlaqNmilD is still out here producing even tho 5th Ward Weebie is gone. BlaqNmilD was also behind Maine Musik's Social Media Thuggin' AKA the greatest Foxx song not actually recorded by Foxx.

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