Thursday 15 November 2012

Are Das Racist and their manager the Rap Game Terry Richardson?

Think about it, yo: in the same way rapey Richardson has Anna Wintour threatening the girls he molested that their modelling careers are finished unless they keep schtum, the two sexual-predators from Das Racist and their alleged rapist manager have had Julienne Shepherd from SPIN Magazine (who just happens to be dating Dap from Das Racist) keep the sexual-assault allegations about them out of the Rap media.

Whether this means Julienne's fellow SPIN scribe Brendan Sodeberberg is Grace Coddlington or André Leon Talley depends entirely on how closely you paid attention to the Vogue office power dynamics in The September Issue. Whatever the case, the pair of them are a couple of careerist stooges protecting a trifecta of sleazy sexual-predators; it's now impossible to take Shepherd seriously as a feminist when she's sold her fellow woman out at the expense of her Rapper boyfriend & his pals, and Soderberg sure has some nerve complaining about Lupe Fiasco's mansplaining when he's part of the rapist-sympathising SPIN cabal that's swept a sexual-assault story under the carpet in order to protect three of their Rap industry buddies.

Related : And the winner of SPIN magazine's # 1 Rap song of 2012 goes to..


Archie said...

Can't truss 'em.

Adrienne Deeble said...

I'm pretty sure Heems addressed this through Spin yesterday (although it wasn't Dap's girlfriend who wrote the article, and by the way unless you are an editor you don't have a whole lot of clout). If anyone is not covering this has more to do with the young woman's request to leave her alone, since it was a personal blog that only a few of her friends followed. You know, consent and stuff.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Interesting take on the situation, Adrienne, but let's be honest here : Dap's GF has had the story buried because dating a member of Das Racist has ensured her journalism career has flourished.

That's probably why she's also turned a blind eye to the fact that her boyfriend is cheating slimeball sex-offender then - if they split up, she no longer gets to hang out at internet rapper soirees in Brooklyn or has access to his rapper friends.

She's sold her dignity, her soul and women everywhere out to interview Schoolboy-Q and chink glasses with El-P and Despot.

done said...

Rapper comments, Bols quoting you, all you need now is a response post and itll be like 2006 one more 'gain.

Industrys too industry for this Complex/Spin/p4k beef Ive been dreaming about to pop off though.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Let's compile a list of American Rap bloggers we still trust at this point..

Serg Dunn
Alex from Steady Bloggin'

And that's pretty much it now, right? Everyone else is in the pocket with their rapper buddies or a secrete P.R person.

done said...

Ah now, Davids working for the beast and theres the requisite politickin but hes still real imo since his pushing Chicago dudes is more to do with him being a rap fan from Chicago and most of the relevant local rappers were abominable filth til now.

Whatever about motives I just wish everyoned take it to comments where its there on record rather than stay shook in the name of "professionalism" and "tact" or whatever. Even sellout pioneers like Eskay and Elliot Wilson voiced their displeasure on occasion.

done said...

Although yeah the way Slow Motion/Das Racist are talked about on Spin has bothered me for a bit, Im not the sharpest/familiar with whats kosher but their relevance being willed into existence does make me uncomfortable.

like fair enough, write about rappers you like but this whole "regional thugs" rap map/ tryna make "New Underground" happen shit is just a bit fucked imo. Again, idk journalism ]so maybe this is bollocks.

The blatant not getting it/incessant comparisons to saltine music though, ffs.

CrowleyHead said...

I mean, it can't be any worse than Danny Brown pretending to be a pedophile at the behest of his manager's attempt to sign #RapGameCheapMemeNo.5 no?

Alex said...

thanks for the vote of confidence

brytburken said...

Bol sold out?

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Lars - Bol isn't really a Rap blogger nowadays.

Done - I dunno if we can trust the Drake any more since he's clearly on the GBE payroll now. That's the only possible explanation for him riding for Lil' Reese and claiming a song as middling as Love Sosa is a "game changer".

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

David is now attempting to convince me that he should be on my American rap bloggaz we can still trust in 2012 list because he offered to pay for some Chief Keef freebie lighters yesterday, whereas Noz should be stricken from it due to his connection to Lil B and Tyler.

done said...

Noz killed the payola talk with the classic "Ive been to B's house and he cant even afford flavour for his Ramen noodles" talk but yeah maybe its a bit close for comfort. Dave's blatant attempts at deflecting are making me think his pools a bit murky after all though.

I think its a fair bet anyone who gets payed off raps fucking with the devil at some point.

Adrienne Deeble said...

You're joking right? What do you expect, the lady to write an article in Spin about her personal life (super unprofessional btw)? An event that the girl in Iowa asked people to let die? How do you even know she's turning a blind eye to it? And considering that she has been editing online mags for a hot minute I don't really see what the fuck dating a member of a middling rap group has to do with her success but.. What I'm driving at is, I want receipts.

exo said...

it's funny that you're making calls for strident journalism while trafficking in speculation, name-calling, hyperbole and overreaction.

good job.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

And there we have it, folks : both Adrienne Deebie and Exo are rapist apologists.

exo said...

yes. because i totally said anything about rape.

Fosterakahunter said...

Serg Dunn
Alex from Steady Bloggin'

And that's pretty much it now, right? Everyone else is in the pocket with their rapper buddies or a secrete P.R person.

Oh, really? I'll just assume that you're being funny.

And fuxx a rapist apologist: If some real sh@t went down, go call a cop. Don't dismissively post to tumblr about it, and ask that it die.

bding7 said...

flawless logic.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

I think 2012 has proven that most rap bloggers are terrible human beings.

Fosterakahunter said...

"I think 2012 has proven that most rap bloggers are terrible human beings."


2SHIN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RMH said...

Remember when Soderberg was fuming about Asap Rocky beating up an "innocent soundman"? Surely he should be more concerned about Das Racist groping and raping an innocent female fan?

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Not a peep from him about Das Rapist-gate, eh? Funny that. I think this confirms that Brendan's definitely the nodding company-man lapdog André Leon Talley to Julienne's Anna Wintour then.

How do these people sleep at night?

Adrienne Deeble said...

Nothing I said could in anyway be misconstrued as rape apology, I just don't see what an entirely irrelevant-ass party has to do with it or how you psychically know what is going on in her personal life. Exo is right, you can't damn a journalist for their ethics while forgetting yours. I know its probably the hardest work you've done this year, grasping at all them straws and shit, but you need to entirely hop up off of my dick and Jawnita's.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...


Maybe you'd do better worrying about the poor girl who was sexual assaulted multiple times than defending your rapist-sympathising BFF Jawnita in blog comment sections.

brandon said...

Where to start with this bonkers post?

Witnessing A$AP knock out a sound guy and commenting on that is a little different than commenting on someone Tumblr-ing about something (that they've since asked to be left alone that can) that cannot be substantiated. That said, SPIN remains the only publication that's mentioned this DR thing.

done, the nuttiest/saddest rap fan with a keyboard (he anticipates inside baseball beefs between publications, which even people working for these places don't ever think about) must realize that DR covering a magazine when their physical album's about to come out, and G-Side, after a year of good press and two albums, appearing inside of a magazine, hardly sounds like them being willed into existence by a dying rock rag.

I know you think you're owed something for being the last CBRap runoff blog standing, but you are not. Stick to awesome Starlito mixes. Sad and bitter shit-stirrer way out of your depth isn't working out very well.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

It's been working out kinda great, tbh. But where to start indeed : slither in here 5 days later on yo' Denzel, huff and puff, and then offer up a bunch of sorry excuses about why rapists are A-Okay seems like a pretty sound strategy.

You just gotta face it, Brendan - you only get so mad because everything I've pointed out about you has been 100% factual.

Thanks for the advice, though. If there's anyone I need suggestions from it's an egomaniac into comic books who updates the internet with what he adds and removes from his iPod each week.

RMH said...

LOL. Notice how Soderberg only refers to Das Racist as DR?

Wut a shook yes man

Kelvin Mack10zie said...


Personally, I love the fact that whenever anyone calls out the great Brendan Soderberg for his shady B.S, his immediate retort is that they're just jealous of him.

So, there we have it : if you ever dare criticise some weaselly idiot savant who gives favourable reviews to his rapper buddies, unfavourable reviews to rappers connected to people who've sonned him on Twitter, and who helps cover up rape stories for his journo + rapper buddies it's because you're blatantly jealous he's getting paid to sit through Yung Clova's embarrassing solo LMG recordings and you're not.

done said...


Lemme bend the rules here to point out hes responding to every one of these via me on twitter within a day or two of posting, cos he thinks Im his non-threatening buffoon slash carrier pigeon, then waiting ages til everyones not looking and its reaching the 30 comments limit before responding directly.

Doggie- maybe I am dim but at least I dont have sugar in my nutsack.

done said...

anyways here, no ones saying G-Side etc arent deserving some light but trying to fanute a highly influential movement AKA "music you like" into existence to the point you actually give it a name is ridiculous.

"ay this dude who emailed a link to his bandcamp last year clearly paved the way for Rack City"

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Lads, lads, lads - Johnny Shoeshine Soderberg is but a mere peripheral figure in this story who I've already disposed of here. I don't want the last 2 comments wasted on him.

This is our one chance of getting Das Racist arrested and stopping them from inflicting their shitty music on the world, so let's not blow the opportunity!

Let's make sure they get done like Dave Lee Travis and not let them get away with it like Jimmy Savile!

Anonymous said...

I really feel for this girl. especially as she's had a private (for her) situation made so public. what happened to her is 100% not her fault. YET I do feel like I want to ask her WHY she went to a hotel room with a group of 30 year old band boys? What was she after or thinking would happen? What would have been the ideal end to the night for her?... I suppose I'm curious to understand her thought process.

Robbie said...

Good thing I'm not American. This post is fuckin' gold - another Brian Beck sure-shot.