Here at The Martorialist we consider Duncan to be to skinheads in 80s flicks, what Barry Venison's was to footballer's with permed mullets in the 80s : the don of his realm. Sure, Elias Kosteas may not have the punk credentials of Dick Rude as Duke in Repo Man and, it's entirely possible he might not even be able to debate the merits of Black Flag line-ups, but what he lacks in those departments he makes up for by looking like his DNA was used to create both Cappo and Porcell. Break it down :



I guess you're expecting a Some Kind Of Wonderful scene now, and, although this isn't the one I wanted it'll do as a demonstration of Duncan's prowess. Shit, this post was intended to be a celebration of Phil Brown getting the sack but fate conspired against me in the form of Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink so tonight is a night for not gettin' whatcha want.
The Fourth Kind? Decent enough, 'spose, if only because Jovovich is so damned fit and it managed to combine the premises of 2 of 2009's biggest duds - Knowing and Paranormal Activity - into something watchable, but an owl? A friggin' owl? Not even an owl which looks like it's talking like in the Ms. Jackson video or an owl with crap special effects eyes like the possessed cat at the end of Amityville 4? Pfffttt. Ante up next time, motherfuckers.
harvey is such a hot spoiled arrogant bastard
Saw the 4th kind last night..i thought it was pretty good.
where did you see paranormal activity?
There's HQ versions of it online at all the usual destinations.
The owl!
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