Tuesday 19 July 2016

Born To Audiomack: best of Kap G edition

LOOK AT WHAT KAP G'S BROUGHT TO THE TABLE THESE PAST 3 YEARS: a wildly inconsistent catalogue for sure, but when he does come correct, the College Park Mexican is one of the few distinct artists in modern Atlanta rap. Here's a best of playlist from someone who's been ridin' for Kurious George Ramierez since 2013: tagless MP3s for all the song which exist no-DJ, tagged MP3s for the few song which don't. "Call Me David I'm The One To Drake" for the tagless F*ck La Policia MP3 which isn't available on any British retail/streaming service - Brexit done built a wall already?

Related: Russian Ray still doin' marvelous work zipping up my old generic list posts.


CrowleyHead said...

Any of the original KAP (the trio) material worthwhile to you or no? I loved "She's Too Much" with Bandit Gang Marco, but tragically it looks like that when G went solo a bunch of their material vanished.

d said...

Aw yes man Im made up

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

SGPGuy - that's the only KAP song I know. It's okay.

hotbox said...

kap g! I like poppin' em too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9vX_Skx_f8

Zwoop nation said...

Southside still the best song I've heard in the past few months.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Did anyone catch Kap's cameo in that crappy Dope movie ASAP Rocky was in?

Anonymous said...

^Damn never caught that, Rafael Barquez out her doin big things

Andrew Barber said...

i'm here for any and all david drake references

xanax fantasia said...

streaming the whole thing rn, think you could bless us with a dL link at some point?

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Set it to download.

Anonymous said...

how do i dl this?