Monday 2 September 2024

Don't worry, be Hyphy

So I'm reading a Seiji Oda interview and I'm curious who he's talking about in this second paragraph? Like Willie Joe, I wonder...

"I was doing that because I feel like I have other albums, like ORA [太陽], for example, where it’s a lot of R&B and softer stuff because I really enjoy making that music, too. Actually, there’s people who tell me they only listen to that part of my catalog. They’ll tell me they really love that kind of sound and wish I would make more stuff like that.

But then there’s this one guy who writes Bay Area rap blogs, and he would always write about my shit and whenever I was putting out my R&B stuff, he was like, oh man, this shit is wack. Like, we need more rap, Seiji. He would say he didn’t want to hear any auto-tune bullshit (laughs). The beauty of it though, as artists, is we can be multifaceted and we can make different kinds of music for different kinds of people."

Guilty as charged! But an accidental compromise is reached on Seiji's latest single This Summer. It starts off wishy-washy sangy, but it's good because he's paying homage to my favourite City Pop song ever, and then he goes into bopper-dropper mode with an insane beat-switch before he flips back to the sea-front sunset City Pop vybz to close the song out. A proper Best Of Both Worlds song to encapsulate the duality of man/his fanbase. The Yee & The Yang.

Seiji Oda - Last Summer
(From Last Summer single; 2024)

Previously: Twinkle Twinkle, little slap (part 2).


Yohan said...

I can never figure out if I love or hate Passion of the Weiss. Sometimes they surprise me with a great interview or article but then post the most moronic shit straight after.

All told, fun interview. Glad to see Seiji love is picking up.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Tbf posting a good article followed by moronic shit is the bedrock of Rap bloggin'.