Monday 31 March 2014

This is the voice of the Rappin' Rons

Bruh, DB just made a song which sounds like the weird incidental music we'd hear whenever The Mysterons appeared in Captain Scarlet. Started seein' spaceships on Brookfield again?

DB Tha General - Say Dat
(From YouTube; 2014)

The Captain Scarlet vibe might even be intentional since DB takes multiple bullets to the chest like it ain't nothin' in Say Dat's video just like Captain Scarlet did during the show's opening credits.


d said...

The whole "that boy aint gettin up call the coroner" bit is peak mental DB.

Dunno if the Captain Scarlet shits that weird, me and DB are probably round the same age and I had a Mysterons voice megaphone. All that shit was still on- Joe 90, Stingray.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

d said...
The whole "that boy aint gettin up call the coroner" bit is peak mental DB

Indeed it is.

yeldarb said...

that's an odd video