Monday 6 May 2024

It's ecstatic up north

Yeah, America invented House music, but Britain gave that shit wings and made it fly. Here's inarguable proof via a 55 second live clip filmed at Liverpool's infamous Quadrant Park club circa 1991. What Liverpool lacked in having its own equivalent of 808 State or A Guy Called Gerald, the city made up for by knowing how to party. Someone in the YouTube comments reckons that this clip is "quite simply the best clubbing video on the entire internet!" Me, I'd crank the hyperbole-o-meter up even further: in the 4.5 billion years Earth has existed there has never been a better example of man & music in absolute euphoric synergy than when that beat drops at the 24 seconds mark.

Every 90s British Rave club had one freakishly tall shirtless bloke who was a dead-ringer for Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


Yohan said...

I've been to my share of techno/EDM parties in my late teens/early 20s and none of them even gets close to the energy of this video. Amazing.

Unfortunately my experiences with electronic music in the Netherlands aren't great: different subgenres of noise, poppy EDM or German inspired techno.

Spartan said...

And always some bloke who modelled themself off Keith Flint before Fat of the Land.

Anonymous said...

House music? Booooh! Sssssssss!

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

Yohan, my condolences on having to suffer German techno. A fate worse than Drake hits 🤮

Spart, my m8 Joel was the token early Keith Flint lookalike at every night we went to 😄

L.A said...

Amazing footage.

The tall fella was called George.

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

I remember him being at Voodoo and towering over everyone when I was going there in '95 and '96.