Friday, 7 March 2025

F**k a cop, he get Spirited Away and turnt to a porkchop

Seiji Oda ft. Young Bari - Mobby Miyazaki
(From Mobby Miyazaki EP; 2025)

Props to Seijj Oda & his m8 for creating the missing link between Studio Ton and Studio Ghibli. Seiji's now had 5 hot singles in a row so here's a Quinary of Quiet-Knock Quality™ playlist of them.

~~ Seiji's Got 5 On It ~~

1. A Gentle Gigg (2024)
2. Last Summer (2024)
3. Peaceful2 ft. LARussell (2024)
4. HUU! ft. Iamsu (2025)
5. Mobby Miyazaki ft. Young Bari (2025)


AK said...

I've been rooting for Seiji due to japanese-american solidarity and a love of hyphy and city pop samples but he's definitely leveled up recently. Last Year and HUU are goddamn mint

Kelvin Mack10zie said...

"You punk-rock, post-pop, indie r&beezy
You ain't got enough genres to fuck with me"