Saturday 8 August 2015

Saturday a RobLo day

It's a nice gesture how HD of Bearfaced is in the practice of shooting videos for selected highlights from his back catalogue. The stans get visuals for their favourite deep cuts featuring HD peering through drawn blinds with a pistol in his hand, while the more fairweather fans like ya boy discover RobLo productions that we've been sleepin' on for half a decade.

HD of Bearfaced - Payday
(From Extortion Muzic mixtape; 2010/YouTube; 2015)

Related note: there's a new Mob Figaz compilation that's produced by Rob-Lo from top to bottom. Not listened to the full thing yet but it contains a Husalah solo track that sounds like a Heatmakerz sanitary towel commercial.

1 comment:

Ray Garraty said...

The more Jacka's posthumous releases, the better.