Monday 29 May 2023

My Mind Spray 9.5

Two tracks I'm fiendin' for right now: this Lil' Ricefield song and this Nef The Pharoah song. Hopefully both Rappers don't leave me hanging like this Ezale song.

A couple of my m8s are fans of that new LL Cool J song produced by Q-Tip, but it sounds like some weird Cannibal Ox shit to me. If LL wants to sound like he's signed to Def Jux then I'd prefer he sounded like he was produced by Edan rather than El-P. Crazy visions, BOOM: Edan hooks LL up with some Top Shelf 8/8/'88 type beats and encourages LL to drop some absurdist My Rhyme Ain't Done-core songs.

I would have mentioned Burn One's old website in my Hall of Game blog list if I could remember the name of the site. Best song I discovered via that place has gotta be G-Mane & G-Side's No One Does It Betta.

I see lots of rappers wearin' Sergio Tacchini athleisurewear nowadays, but I've yet to spot any of them in the brand's crown jewel - their Time tennis shorts in navy blue. There's two types of people in this world, my friend: those of you who look like you're about to walk into court, and those of us who look like we're about to walk onto centre court. Come join Marty Macassi in the latter camp this summer.


  1. Actually prefer that BDK song from Top Shelf 8/8/88 over Come On Down using the same Lalo Schifrin sample. Any chance of a re-up?

  2. Lemme see if Mediafire still works. Hold up.


  4. the name of Burn one's blog was 'something boulevard' iirc

  5. BLVD ST it is

  6. ^ have never visited it, but a quick search shows that it was indeed boulevard street (

    Killer track that

  7. ho do you like wiki doing max b cosplay ?

  8. From when his producer name was Mick Vegas.

  9. Everyone sounds better doing Max cosplay, natch.

  10. Where can you buy the navy time tennis shorts? Can't find them on their website.

  11. I get them from 80s Casual Classics in the U.K, but they only have XXL size in stock right now. Probably due a restock now summer is here now and they definitely ship to America.

  12. Skinny mid-2000s Husalah with the flattop shoulda had some Time shorts.

  13. The best Top Shelf songs were the ones where they rly commited to the lost 80s fast rap song ruse n attwmpted a version of their old styles like Craig G, puba, Smooth B + Chubb Rock.

    Special Ed even went as far as pitching up his voice like jacka n husalah lol

  14. In that expose article about Top Shelf, Ed said it was an unreleased 90s track the Japanese guy behind the compilation had somehow got hold of and pitched up himself.

    The Mel & Caz song is also a total killer on the '88 fast-Rap tip. Ace's song is another fave for flippin' the '88 concept into a bittersweet concept song.

  15. Just read that now n the same characters put out this one the year before, its crazy, they pulled it off way more. Ive never heard it before its fire so far

    Broke my heart seeing Dres n jungle brothers smartening up the marks in that article smh

  16. Damn, I've not heard that before either. Good find.

  17. They also put out a fake unearthed early afrika bambataa tape but curiosity hasnt got the best of me yet

  18. Guest spots from Gary Glitter and SPM.
