Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Herb & Bibby recorded a sequel to Kill Shit

Lil' Bibby & Lil' Herb - Ain't Heard Bout You (Kill Shit Pt.2)
(From YouTube; 2015)

File this under ‘those rare 2015 rap songs that both Ziplock Moe and Robbie Unkut could enjoy’ and ‘why must Herb & Bibby persist in forging solo careers when they were clearly born to rap together as a duo?’


  1. would love to see a blog co-curated and operated by robbie and zip moe

    i'm here for that

  2. Hard as fuck. I liked Herb's last tape, but a genuine verse-trading collab would blow minds.

  3. talk of sean dyche comparisons . .lil bibby sounds like shit. Herb hard though. Lil bibby sounds and look like ur 14 yr old cousins whose balls just dropped but would probably kick ur ass

  4. Soundin' like Sean Dyche is the 2015 Migos flow.

  5. Nice 1. I was shocked how young/slight looking Bibby was when I seen him, Lakim Shabazz 2.0.

    Definitely agree w the sentiment, even Fazoland was just competent/boring idk

  6. I haven't heard any of their solo 'tapes but I did like On My Soul by Herb & Lil' Reese, even if Reese jacked RJ's Shoulda Coulda.

  7. Ive only heard Free Crack 1 & 2 & Fazoland, theyre just the same thing throughout relentless. Might give it another go though now cos I just listened to Play They Role again.

  8. More piano samples.

    Always more piano samples.

  9. Speaking of piano samples, that loop sounds really familiar but it's hard to place it.

  10. Think it's from Snoopy Loopy by Chas & Dave, m8.

  11. Its weird how its often the skinny guys who have deep voices and the fat guys who have high voices. (Exceptions abound, of course.) I guess when fat guys have high voices they're being strangled by their own fat-flattened oesophagus.

  12. Herb's "Man Down" is a hard record too though yeah I feel like Herb & Bibby would be further along today if they'd stuck together.

    [i]a genuine verse-trading collab would blow minds.[/i]

    their first (unofficial) tape curated by FSD is basically this

  13. It's like Mozart programmed a drill beat. Sehr Gut!!
