Saturday, 20 March 2021

Truly Yours

P-Lo - Yours
(From Yours EP; 2021)

Now that's what I call Sang-Rap! Yours is the song which has officially earned P-Lo his Shmobby Brackins pseudonym. Same Squad proved that P-Lo could write/produce a million dollar solo choon which should be the biggest song in California, but who'd a thunk he'd conjure up the Bay Area R&Bass equivalent of My Boo eh? HBK Gang Bass All Stars Vol. 1 coming soon?

Bonus beats: last year's Get Me Lit was one of those songs I loved which nobody else on the Rap internet gave a f*ck about. Oh well, there's no accounting for everybody else's bad taste ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

P-Lo - Get Me Lit
(From the internet; 2020/Yours EP; 2021)


  1. Need him to EP a Tinashe or Ty Dolla album.

  2. I'll settle for a single each, but, yeah.
