Friday 5 October 2018

R.I.P Ad-Rock!

Much like the Beastie Boys' homeless m8 Johnny Ryall I've got a Rockabilly past which nobody knows. Only letting the cat(man) outta the bag today because I've just realised that The Phantom's Love Me #actually dropped in 1960 rather than 1958, thus it shoulda been included in my best songs of the '60s list. If proto-Punk exists outside the heads of aged music critics then Love Me is far more deserving of the term than all those 1963 Garage-Rock bands who just sound like Dick Dale with a fuzz pedal. This shit sounds like it was recorded by Elvis' psychopathic ghost from True Romance. Yous a fool for this one, Pat Boone:

The Phantom - Love Me
(From Love Me 7" single; 1960)

Memphis isn't where he's from, he invented Punk Rock but never met Malcolm McLaren. On the real, Yank teenagers in 1960 must have had their domes blown in the comforts of their suburban homes hearing some psychotic rockabilly shit like Love Me.

Coming next on The Martorialist: was The Legendary Stardust Cowboy Rock's first ableist?


  1. This was unexpected

  2. I'll never know the difference between rockabilly and psychobilly.

  3. Rockabilly = this song, Hasil Adkins, Link Wray and other Yanks from the early 60s who were like a weird raw version of Elvis or Carl Perkins.

    Psychobilly = The Meteors, Guana Batz, Frantic Flintsones and other British bands whose names were painted in white emulsion on power stations in the early 80s.

    The bridge between the two would be the early shit by The Cramps.
