Sunday, 15 September 2013

I think Atlantic tryna set Joe Mo$e$ up, maybe I'm just paranoid?

The other afternoon I was linking a friend to the tagless MP3 of Paranoid by Ty$ & Joe Mo$e$ after she asked for a download link for it on Facebook (girls LOVE Paranoid!) only to notice that Blogspot had deleted my post about the song from june without so much as a standard copyright infringement notice. Puh-leez tell me this isn't because Atlantic Records are now pushing the corny remix with B.o.B that's being sold on iTunes/Amazon etc as the de facto official version?

If Atlantic are just trying to remove the original no-DJ Ketchup MP3 from the 'net so they can give the song a proper shot at retail level then that's great news. But this is the same Atlantic who had various Gucci Mane mixtapes/songs/blog posts wiped from cyberspace in 2009, so it wouldn't surprise me if they'd try to rewrite Joe Mo$e$ out of history and it'd certainly explain the delay with the the Paranoid video if they've had to reshoot it to feature that sexless pipsqueak B.o.B prancing about lip-syncing in front of the camera instead.

I can forgive Ty$ for the My Cabana beat debacle since that was clearly out of his hands, but if he's going to let Atlantic ruin a perfect Rap & Bullshit song on account of a fucking B.o.B remix verse and then shaft the only rapper who should ever be allowed to rhyme on his shit in the process then I'm gonna wish a bad case of the clap on that ol' Mark Gonzalez-meets-Booker T lookin' ass muthafucker as well as B.o.B and everybody who's currently employed by Atlantic Records.



  1. The version on "Beach House 2" is slightly different to the one on "Ketchup" too.

  2. That B.O.B remix is so horrible.

  3. P : I never even bothered listening to the version on Beach House 2 because I don't need to hear DJ Drama babbling all over it. Lemme check it.... eeerrgh, annoying background noises and different beat-dips. Got-damn you, Ty$ can you plz stop messing around with your own songs that are already perfect.

    Zwoop, this is 2014, bruv, so an R&B thug like Ty$ can get away with carrying some MAC concealer along with a Mack-Ten.

  4. sexless pipsqueak? lol, hold him back before someone's feelings gets hurt.

    I'm the Bobby Byrd to your James Brown right now.

  5. I never realized there was a B.o.B remix. Wow, what a horrible idea.

  6. I've got it on good authority that Atlantic does a lot of fuckshit with their artists, pushing lots of bullshit beats and guest artists on their shit.

  7. Never Forget

    lol @ signing to a major

  8. I forgot about that. Christ, Atlantic is the 10th layer of Hell.
