Saturday 30 March 2013

Reasons why I love YouTube # 38

A late 90s episode of MovieTalk where Jonathan Romney, Anne Billson (author of the definitive book about The Thing!), and the late Alexander Walker justify the existence of movie critics, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Buffalo 66 before Vince Gallo comes out wearing a U.S.A tracksuit to respond to their criticisms :

"I had seen 40 Ozu films in Paris in a row and they were all in Japanese language, which I don't speak, subtitled in French, which I never wanna speak..."

Here at The Martorialist we're so enamoured with MovieTalk's format, we're going to be spending our saturday night filming the first episode of our forthcoming Youtube show RapInternetTalk where Brian "B Dot" Miller and Jordan Sargent sit around in our kitchen arguing about Finally Rich before Chief Keef and David Drake lope in and respond to each of their charges. The show will be hosted by none other than Will High and it's guaranteed to rake us in some of dat Anthony Fantano vlogger loot.


  1. Ha yes, saw this after that Gallo clip you linked a few weeks back. Love how theyre all still on his at the end despite the abuse.

    Stern interviews up now too

    "I'll curse both those horrible boobs"

  2. "That quote came from a British paper, they're animals...they're pigs!"

  3. Race relations with Will High needs to be another tv show.

  4. Someone needs to do a Gallo biopic but the only person I can think to play him is himself.

  5. Should have James Franco play him, just to rub salt into the wound.

  6. Bet Franco cant pop or lock.
